Country Pages

What's going on in the country networks?

17 national networks of change agents that work for Child Rights and SDG 4 Quality Education in their countries, are involved in this project. Find all network’s country pages by clicking on the Countries tab in the menu to the left. Welcome to take part of what is going on in the different networks around the world!

Meeting at Lund University - two Change Agents from Mozambique
  • Unknown
  • 2018-01-19 01:23

Today we had an important meeting at Lund University. We discussed the work forward and had some traditional Swedish 'fika'.

The CRC Network of Cambodia.
  • Unknown
  • 2018-01-19 00:51

Welcome to Cambodia CRC Network! We are 15 members working for the Rights of the Child here in Cambodia. We are going to share information about Convention on the Rights of the Child in general and particularly in Cambodia on this platform.