A Handbook of Rights-Based Participatory Approach for EFL Teaching
Final Project Report, Batch 20, China.
Authors: Wuyungaowa, Sun Xiaorui, and Liu Chang.
A Human Rights-Based Approach to EDUCATION FOR ALL – A framework for the realization of children’s right to education and rights within education.
UNICEF (2007). A Human Rights-Based Approach to EDUCATION FOR ALL – A framework for the realization of children’s right to education and rights within education. https://www.unicef.org/publications/index_42104.html.
A Minor Field Study on Student Participation through Class and School Councils in Copperbelt Province, Zambia.
Ammitzböll, Sandra & Hall, Charlotta. (2011): A Minor Field Study on Student Participation through Class and School Councils in Copperbelt Province, Zambia. Lund University: School of Social Work.
Type: Bachelor thesis.
A Study on the Implementation of the Convention On the Rights of the Child (CRC) in Malawian Primary Schools
Final Project Report, Batch 05, Malawi
Author: Andrew Chipanga, Darles Mbewe, Prince Moyo
Accountability For Children’s Rights
The Human Rights Unit within the Programme Division of UNICEF commissioned this working paper on accountability for children’s rights, and convened a two-day workshop in March 2014, bringing together social accountability researchers, practitioners and child rights experts to discuss how civil society engagement can help accelerate results for children by holding governments accountable. This paper focuses on social accountability and its potential to achieve results and equity for children, as experiences are emerging that show its benefits to governance, citizenship and development outcomes. It also outlines how social accountability can help engage children and adolescents meaningfully in matters that affect them and their communities.
AHIMSA at Child Rights Schools – Child Friendly Schools
Final Project Report, Batch 3, India
Author: Preetha Bhakta, Nalini Juneja, Mathew Zacharias
Awareness Creation and Strengthening of Child Rights Clubs
Final Project Report, Batch 9, Ethiopia.
Authors: Mr. Teferi Belew, Mrs. Bruknesh Argaw, Mr. Bisrat Ashebo.
Build up child-friendly learning environment by improving teachers and students’ communication based on the Rights to Participation and Protection in CRC
Final Project Report, Batch 15, Vietnam
Authors: Ms Dinh Kim Phuong, Mr Tran Si Thy, Ms Bach Linh Trang
Change Agents and Change of Norms: International Experiences on Training in UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Schools
Wickenberg, P. & Leo, U. (2014) Change Agents and Change of Norms:
International Experiences on Training in UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Schools. CICE Hiroshima University, Journal of International Cooperation in Education, Vol.16 No.2 (2014) pp.105 - 120.
Changing the Leadership Role in Implementing the Child Rights in Selected Schools of Bole Sub city, Addis Ababa
Final Project Report, Batch 13, Ethiopia.
Authors: Dilamo Otore, Roman Tesfaye and Daniel Mekonnen
Child Friendly Cities - webpage
Child Friendly Cities
A child friendly city is the embodiment of the Convention on the Rights of the Child at the local level, which in practice means that children’s rights are reflected in policies, laws, programmes and budgets. In a child friendly city, children are active agents; their voices and opinions are taken into consideration and influence decision making processes. http://childfriendlycities.org/
Child Rights Activities in Schools with special focus on participation: A Sample of three (3) selected schools in Lusaka District (Lake Road PTA School, Lusaka Girls Primary and Libala Secondary School)
Final Project Report from Batch 20, Zambia.
Authors: Kafulo, Christina; Muleya, Gistered; Musenge, Kaoma Y.
Child Rights Clubs; a means for CRC Practices in Butimba Teachers’College in Mwanza Tanzania
Final Project Report from Batch 21, Tanzania.
Authors: Rweyemamu Kamayugi, Augustine; Mokiwa, Edith John; Ngussa, Neema Kusekwa.
Child Rights Convention in the Kharas Region
Final Project Report from Batch 2, Namibia.
Authors: Smit, Maree; Steenkamp, Dinah; Shangengange, Fenny.
Child Rights Convention Sensitization and Enhancement of its Implementation in Malawian Primary Schools: A Case of Chimutu Primary School, Lilongwe
Final Project Report, Batch 13, Malawi
Author: Martha Ndeyana Kwengwere, Derex Francis Edwin Souza and
Leonard Sakala Banda
Child Rights implementation in Zambia: Evaluating the Impact in Three Pilot Schools
Final Project Report from Batch 10, Zambia.
Authors: Mwale, Kezala Kelly; Miyanda, Mambe; Chishiko, Stephen.
Child Rights in Education: A Pilot Study in Lusaka District, Zambia
Final Project Report from Batch 3, Zambia.
Authors: Mulenga, Athanasius M.; Syamuntondo, Clotilda; Misapa, Ronald.
Child Rights, Classroom and School Management
Final Project Report, Batch 11, China.
Auhtors: Wu, Haiyan. Lu, Lan. Xu, Chen
Child Rights, Classroom and School Management
Final Project Report, Batch 4, India
Author: Mr. E. Mohan Das, Mr. Ravikant Thakur and Dr. (Ms.) Madhumita Bandyopadhyay
Children´s Rights in Education. Experiences from 16 countries in Global South during 18 years as researchers and teachers
The aim of this report book in Sociology of Law, and Child Rights Institute, Lund
University, is to gather, sum up and report, in a summarizing overview in an introduction followed by three concluding articles, our main experiences as researchers and teachers after 2016.
Two of the articles, “Mentor´s reflections” and “Looking back and looking forward”, have been published in Bodil Rasmusson, Lena Andersson, Agneta W Flinck,
Ulf Leo and Per Wickenberg (eds.) Realising Child Rights in Education (2016), Lund University.
That year, 2016, the English version of the Sida-funded international training
program, Child Rights, Classroom and School Management, was finished. However, there was a lot of continued work to come with Children´s Rights at Lund University after that.
This report could be viewed as an interesting example of how to achieve spin off effects through strategies for sustainability and dissemination of knowledge and
experiences from international cooperation on implementation of children’s rights.
Lund, February 2021
Per Wickenberg, Bodil Rasmusson & Ulf Leo
Children’s rights to participation through authentic and participative learning as well as to protection in Muhammadiyah Primary School 16 of Surakarta, Indonesia
Final Project Report, Batch 16, Indonesia
Author: Siti Zuhriah Ariatmi, Anam Sutopo, Suprihanto
Children's Rights Turn into Reality
Final Project Report from Batch 19, Colombia.
Authors: Uribe, Judith Guevara; Santos Ortiz, Sandra Milena; Ruiz, Pedro Adolfo Cabrejo.
Creation on Awareness on Child Rights and Responsibilities to Trainer of Trainers in Teacher Education
Final Project Report from Batch 3, Tanzania.
Authors: Mumba, Honorina; Mwangamila, Joseph G.; Tunzo Kassembe, Rehema.
CRIN (Child Rights International Network) - website
CRIN (Child Rights International Network)
CRIN is a global children’s rights advocacy network. Established in 1995, we press for rights - not charity - and campaign for a genuine shift in how governments and societies view and treat children. It links to nearly 3,000 organisations that between them work on children’s rights in every country in the world and rely on our publications, research and information sharing.
Deepening understanding of democracy and democratic participation in South African Schools in the context of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Final Project Report from Batch 5, South Africa.
Authors: Dyer, Claire; Masinga, Nokuzola; Ndlovu, Sipho.
Effective use of Children’s Council in Schools A pilot intervention programme in Cairo, Egypt Final Report
Advanced International Training Programme on Child Rights, Classroom and School Management
Final Project Report, Batch 3, Egypt
Author: Ms Wafaa Dawood, Ms Samah Hassan, Ms Madiha Abdelslam
Empowering Children and Youth through Law and Participation, Conference at Lund University, Sweden, August, 2023
This is a pdf of the book on Child Rights - Empowering Children and Youth through Law and Participation, Conference at Lund University, Sweden, August-September, 2023 - and written by many of the Change Agents active on this webbsite: www.globalcrconline.org
Empowering Students’ Participation
Advanced International Training Programme on Child Rights, Classroom and School Management
Final Project Report, Batch 10, Egypt
Author: Dr. Walid Yasin, Mrs. Tahany Shemeis, Mr. Mohamed Hamed
Empowerment of Child Rights in three High School settings on the Copperbelt Province of Zambia
Final Project Report from Batch 7, Zambia.
Authors: Chisanga, Tabeth; Chikalekale, Florence; Banda, Mathias.
Encourage democratic learner participation in three schools around Phillipolis with the intention of addressing corporal punishment in the context of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Final Project Report from Batch 11, South Africa.
Authors: Matsaneng, Rapuleng; Engelbrecht, Rodney; Seane, Mamaipato.
Enforcing Child Rights Globally
Experiences and Reflections from the International Training Programme on Child Rights, Classroom and School Management - ULF LEO, EMMA ALFREDSSON, LENA ANDERSSON, AGNETA W FLINCK, BODIL RASMUSSON AND PER WICKENBERG (EDS.)
This book contains presentations and reflections based on the Impact and Dissemination Seminar held in June 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand with 160 participants from the Child Rights, Classroom and School Management programme of batches 8-14. A batch consists of 30 participants representing 10 countries in teams of three. Lund University has offered the programme since 2003, and it is an Advanced International Training Programme funded by Sida (The Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency).
Enhancing Child Rights in Schools through empowering Student Leadership
Final Project Report, Batch 8, Uganda.
Authors: Ms Aida Nyenje Lubwama, Dr, Livingstone Ddungu, Dr. Charles Wakoko Masaba
Enhancing Children and Adolescents Rights
Final Project Report from Batch 6, Colombia.
Authors: Velásquez, Graciela Maria; Aragon, Hector Orlando; Ossa, Angela Calle
Enhancing tutors’/Teachers’ Competence in Use of Rights Based Pedagogy to Promote the Children’s Right of Participation
Final Project Report, Batch 18, Uganda.
Authors: Edward Mugeere, Vincent Elungat and Caroline Nakidde Kavuma
Evaluate the Primary & Kindergarten Teacher’s Performance, In Light of Child Rights Convention, CRC
Final Project Report, Batch 12, Egypt
Author: Saad Mohamed Gouda Maghrabi, Reham Zein El Gebaly and Hosam Samir Omar
Focusing on provision regarding children’s rights at Tuguva Combined School in Kavango West Region
Final Project Report from Batch 9, Namibia.
Authors: Sikongo, Jacobs. M; Mbundu, Markus. M; Likoro, Elisabeth. N.
Generating a Child Rights Classroom Culture through Cross-Curricular Materials that Foster Critical Thinking
Final Project Report from Batch 13, Colombia.
Authors: Pardo, Astrid Núñez; Guerrero, Jazmín Olivia; Reyes, Juan Carlos.
Global Initiative to end all Corporal Punishment of Children - website
Global Initiative to end all Corporal Punishment of Children
The Global Initiative to End All Corporal Punishment of Children promotes universal prohibition and elimination of corporal punishment. Supporters of this aim include UNICEF, UNESCO and many international and national organisations and prominent individuals.
This website contains detailed individual reports on the legality and prevalence of violent punishment in each state and territory in the world, global and regional tables of progress towards prohibition in all settings, information on the human rights imperative to prohibit all corporal punishment, guidance on achieving prohibition, summaries of research on the issue and more. http://www.endcorporalpunishment.org/
Guidelines for Inclusion: Ensuring Access to Education for All
The democratic and human rights-based intent of Inclusive Education is defined in the Salamanca Statement and represented in the 'recognition of the need to work towards 'schools for all' - institutions which include everybody, celebrate differences, support learning, and respond to individual needs'. A commitment to this approach is central to UNICEF's work in the region. https://www.unicef.org/eca/education_18613.html
UNESCO (2005) Guidelines for Inclusion: Ensuring Access to Education for All. http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0014/001402/140224e.pdf
Implementation Handbook for the Convention on the Rights of the Child. UNICEF Publications.
Hodgkin,Rachel & Newell, Peter (2007). Implementation Handbook for the Convention on the Rights of the Child. UNICEF Publications.
Implementation of Child Rights in Schools: A Pilot Project in Kabale Zone, Mpika District, Zambia
Final Project Report from Batch 2, Zambia.
Authors: Mutale Mwila, Theresa; Mfula, Samuel; Mutale, Raidon.
Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Schools in Malawi: A Pilot Study in Zomba with a Focus on Corporal and Humiliating Punishment
Final Project Report, Batch 3, Malawi
Author: Martin Nthenda, Ibrahim Nthalika and Lucia Chidalengwa
Implementing the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Viet Nam: Dinh Tien Hoang Primary School – a Pilot Work on CRC
Final Project Report, Batch 17, Vietnam
Authors: Huynh Thi Kim Trang, Mai Thi Ngoc Lan, Pham Hung Dung
Integrating Child Rights Content (3Ps) in the Teacher Education Curriculum, Particularly Professional Subjects
Final Project Report from Batch 17, Tanzania.
Authors: Mrimi, Basiliana Caroli; Ekerege, Fundikira Justine; Sungu, Philipo Raphael.
Integrating Child Rights education and practice in Shimoni Demonstration Primary School, East Kololo Primary School and Shimoni Primary Teachers College Kampala and Wakiso Districts
Final Project Report, Batch 20, Uganda.
Authors: Ssemakula Henry, Nabende Phyllis Chellangat, and Nanyondo Marion Bujaasi
International Studies on Enactment of Children´s Rights in Education. 30 researchers from non-western countries. Per Wickenberg, Bodil Rasmusson & Ulf Leo (eds.) Research Report in Sociology of Law 2019:3, Lund University.
This book has been initiated by researchers at the Child Rights Institute, Lund University, a research network with the aim to act for and support the rights of the child in different contexts, national and international, in research, in education or in other relevant practices. The Institute gather researchers to stimulate and to support new and continued research with a point of departure in the CRC. It provides an open and suitable arena for researchers to publish new material on implementing CRC in society. Invitation of researchers from our global network to contribute to an anthology was therefore fully in line with this ambition.
Fifteen new international studies on the enactment of children’s rights in schools and education are presented in this book. The authors are researchers from Colombia, Zambia, Viet Nam, Egypt, India, Kenya, Indonesia and China. They are researchers and scholars active in many different academic environments as research universities (Indonesia, Zambia, China, Kenya, Egypt, and Sweden), teacher training universities (China and India), National University of Education (Viet Nam, Colombia), Institute of Social Work and Health (India), District Teacher Training Institution, DIET (India).
Kerala's Real Story in Ensuring Child Rights
Kerala's Real Story in Ensuring Child Rights: Documentation of the work done by the Kerala Network of CRC Change Agents
Editorial Board: George Joseph (Chief Editor), Gopakumar T.V, Mohandas E.P, Mathew Zacharias
Publishers: The Kerala Network of CRC Change Agents,Muriankary, C.H. Colony, Chevarambalam, Kozhikode-670317
Knowledge transfer processes within “Child rights, classroom and school management”. Factors affecting the knowledge transfer processes on an individual- group- and organizational level
Girdea, Andreea (2014) Knowledge transfer processes within “Child rights, classroom and school management”. Factors affecting the knowledge transfer processes on an individual- group- and organizational level: Lund University: Department of Sociology, Division of Education.
Type: Master thesis.
Learners’ Rights in the Context of CRC, With the Focus on Participation
Final Project Report from Batch 19, South Africa.
Authors: Denga Fhatuwani, Leonard; Msibi Vangile, Lina; Vinger, Selekane.
Literacy as a Means of Enhancing Child Rights (Improving Learners’ Literacy in Primary Schools through Learner Participation in the Development of Literacy Materials in Uganda)
Final Project Report, Batch 13, Uganda
Authors: Resty Nantaba Muziribi, Jane Patricia Nambalirwa and Anthony
Mugagga Muwagga
Promoting child rights in schools through involvement of learners, head teachers, teachers and the community
Final Project Report, Batch 21, Malawi
Author: Dorothy Mzungu Jirani, Annie. S. Nyangulu, and Bennet Kapinda
Promotion of Child rights Approaches to Education with Particular Emphasis on Child Participation in Selected Schools in Kampala and Mityana Districts
Final Project Report, Batch 6, Uganda.
Authors: Mukasa George Stephen – Merab Kariisa - Hannington Senogaa Majwala
Raising Awareness about the Convention on the Rights of the Child and improving the quality of Education by involving major stakeholders in education (parents/community, teachers, pupils)
Final Project Report, Batch 4, Uganda.
Authors: Robinson Nsumba Lyazi, Kafuko Alice, Jessica Sanyu
Raising Awareness among Pupils, Teachers and Parents on the Rights of Children through School and Class Councils
Final Project Report from Batch 12, Zambia.
Authors: Malango Ginno, Sichilima; Kalale, Katele Philip; Margaret, Nachela
Raising awareness among the Interns as to how maximum participation of Grade Five students could be guaranteed through Child Rights Convention
Final Project Report, Batch 16, Sri Lanka
Author: A. Jayalath Basnagoda, H.M. N. Dhammika Kumari, Mohamed Zain Hidaya
Raising Awareness of Child Rights among teenagers on the effective use of modern technology
Final Project Report, Batch 13, Sri Lanka
Author: Nanyana Aberathne, Kothai Nagularajah and Z. Thajudeen
Raising Awareness of the Child Rights Convention amongst Teachers, for improved Classroom and School Management
Final Project Report, batch 9, Uganda.
Authors: Mrs. Galiwango Annie Sybil, Mr. Ssengendo David, Mrs. Nabasinga Noeline Ntanda Victoria
Realising Child Rights in Education
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Experiences and Reflections from the International Training Programme on Child Rights, Classroom and School Management
Authors: Rasmusson, Bodil; Andersson, Lena; Wångdahl Flinck, Agneta; Leo, Ulf; Wickenberg, Per
Realising Child Rights in Education
Experiences and Reflections from the International Training
Programme on Child Rights, Classroom and School Management - BODIL RASMUSSON, LENA ANDERSSON, AGNETA W FLINCK, ULF LEO
This book contains experiences and reflections based on the global Child Rights, Classroom and School Management programme and in particular the Impact and Dissemination Seminar held in February 2016 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, with 170 participants from batches 15-21. Lund University has offered the programme since 2003, and it is an Advanced International Training Programme funded by Sida (The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency).
Reflections on implementing Child Rights Convention in Education in a global perspective
Wickenberg, P., Flinck W A., Leo, U., Rasmusson, B. & Yebio, B. (2012) Reflections on Implementing Child Rights Convention in Education in a global perspective 2003-2011. Academia Academia - A Peer Reviewed International Journal on Education. Vol. 1, No 1, January 2012, pp. 20-26. ISSN 2249-2696
School Curriculum and Child Rights: A Case Study on the Impact of Civic Education at 3 High Schools Piloting the Subject
Final Project Report from Batch 9, Zambia.
Authors: Kabwe, Benjamin Harris; Malonga, Christina; Kazeze Gondwe, Esther.
Strengthening and Extending Child rights in the Primary Education Sector of Kerala
Final Project Report, Batch 18, India
Author: Jayalekshmi. S, P.S. Mathew and M.V. Mukundan
Strengthening Child Rights Clubs at School Level
Final Project Report, Batch 4, Ethiopia.
Authors: Abeba Gela - Worku Mengesha - Zelalem Tadesse
Students participate in classroom and school actively and enjoy their rights better
Final Project Report, Batch 10, China.
Authors: Zhang Lixia, Chao Kuiou, Zhang Zhixin
Taking Child Rights Seriously - Reflections on five years of an International Training Programme
Reflections on five years of an International Training Programme
Per Wickenberg, Agneta W Flinck, Ulf Leo, Bodil Rasmusson, Richard Stenelo, and Bereket Yebio (eds.)
This book contains the presentations and reflections on the Impact and Dissemination Seminar held in January 2009 in Bangkok, Thailand, with participants from the training programmes of the first five years when 300 change agents had been trained in the programme.
The Implementation Of Article 12 Of The United Nations Convention On The Rights Of The Child in Schools (A Pilot Project at Kabale Basic School – Mpika)
Final Project Report from Batch 1, Zambia.
Authors: Chisanga, David; Mumba, Paul; Mwape, Gertrude K.
The implementation of articles 13.1 and 29.1.a (Convention of the Rights of the Child) in grade 8 at Quisse Mavota Secondary School, Maputo, stressing participation
Final Project Report, Batch 16, Mozambique.
Authors: Adolfo Tembe, Armando Zavala and Gertrudes Noronha
The Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Tswane District-Schools with special Reference to Article 12: International Perspective
Final Project Report from Batch 3, South Africa.
Authors: Makofane, Timothy; Moripe, Bapela; Makutu, Selaelo.
The Rights of the Child and Minimum Levels of Learning as a Fundamental Right
Final Project Report, Batch 2, Ethiopia.
Authors: Sahilu Gebrewold - Takele Gebrekidan
The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child - website
The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
The Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is the body of 18 Independent experts that monitors implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child by its State parties.http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CRC/Pages/CRCIndex.aspx
Training of Head teachers and Teachers in practising Child Rights in three Districts of Lukasa Province
Final Project Report from Batch 21, Zambia.
Authors: Natala Matongo, Levy; Akushanga, Ing’utu; Mutale, Harriet.
Transforming schools through the Convention of Rights of the Child in Namibia: a case study at Andreas Haingura Kandjimi Primary School in the Kavango East Region
Final Project Report from Batch 3, Namibia.
Ugandan Teachers’ Training College People’s Perceptions of Children Rights to Participation. An Interview Study.
Jaegers, Alexandra (2012) Ugandan Teachers’ Training College People’s Perceptions of Children Rights to Participation. An Interview Study. Department of Sociology, Division of Education.
Type: Bachelor thesis.
Understanding Children’s Rights to bring about Change in Educational Settings in Colombia
Final Project Report from Batch 11, Colombia.
Authors: Barragan, Marcela Falla; Torres, Claudia; Nanwani, Sanjay.
UNICEF 25 years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child - webpage
- 2018-02-15 15:10
- Global research
UNICEF (2016) 25 years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Unicef Global Research - webpage
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- Global research
Global Research
Research is fundamental to UNICEF’s mission. The struggle to safeguard the rights of all children in all circumstances can only succeed when supported by the most reliable evidence and the latest knowledge. The Office of Research – Innocenti - is UNICEF’s dedicated research centre. Its core mandate is to undertake cutting-edge, policy-relevant research that equips the organization and the wider global community to deliver results for children. To achieve its mandate UNICEF Innocenti must work closely with all parts of its parent organization as well as a wide array of external academic and research institutions.
Innocenti’s research seeks to inform policy, guide action and also to challenge assumptions. https://www.unicef-irc.org/
Unicef Inclusive Education - webpage
Inclusive Education
The democratic and human rights-based intent of Inclusive Education is defined in the Salamanca Statement and represented in the 'recognition of the need to work towards 'schools for all' - institutions which include everybody, celebrate differences, support learning, and respond to individual needs'. A commitment to this approach is central to UNICEF's work in the region. https://www.unicef.org/eca/education_18613.html
Walking with awareness and knowledge on Child Rights: A case study on bullying at Okahandja Senior Secondary in Otjozondjupa Region.
Final Project Report from Batch 14, Namibia.
Authors: April, Roderick; Coetzer, Hennie; Shilamba, Peggy.